What is An Intimate Covenant? We chose to title our material An Intimate Covenant to reflect two important concepts that God teaches about marriage — intimacy and covenant relationship.

The marriage relationship is a covenant. This is in contrast to the idea of a contractual agreement where each party actively negotiates to obtain an outcome that best serves himself. Instead, covenant connotes deep relationship, complete self-sacrifice and permanence under the authority and blessing of God.

Further, God’s picture of the ideal marriage is one of complete intimacy. In the beginning, after all of God’s “very good” creation was established and ordered, God placed man and woman in the Garden of Eden and established the marriage relationship. There, before sin had spoiled their relationship with God and each other, He describes that perfect union, “And the man and his wife were both naked and not ashamed.” (Genesis 2:25)
THIS is the marriage relationship that God intended — to know and to be known, fully without shame: spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically.

This is the marriage relationship that is possible through the forgiveness, redemption and restoration of the blood of Jesus Christ!


Happy Valentine’s Day!

Wishing you and your beloved a blessed weekend celebrating the joy and pleasure of covenant love! Cherishing,Matt & Jenn Join us for the 2021 Marriage

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