2020 Retreat — Exciting Announcements!

We are thrilled to announce that, despite the challenges of the current circumstances, the 2020 Intimate Covenant Retreat is scheduled to happen as planned… with a few modifications:

  1. WE HAVE A NEW VENUE: Houston CityPlace Marriott at Springwoods Village
    The hotel and grounds are beautiful and the staff has been tremendously accommodating to ensure a comfortable and relaxing Retreat for everyone. We’re proud to be hosting the Retreat at this lovely spot.
    With the new venue, we have plenty of room for more couples to join us. Register TODAY!
  2. WE’RE OFFERING DAY PASSES: While we believe that the most benefit from the Retreat comes from getting away with your spouse in the relaxing setting of the hotel venue, this year we are offering a more-affordable option. Day Pass Registration allows a couple to enjoy the fellowship of like-minded couples and glean from the education sessions. Snacks, beverages and group meal are included. Simply put, you get everything but the overnight hotel accommodations. Register for DAY PASS
  3. THE RETREAT ITINERARY, including lecture topics, HAS BEEN POSTED:
    You don’t want to miss any of this!

Thursday, Sep 24
7:00 – 7:30 PM — Early Check-in
7:30 – 9:00 PM — EARLY BIRD: Sex Ed for Married Couples — Essential sexual anatomy and physiology that they didn’t teach you in high school

Friday, Sep 25
9:30 – 10:00 AM — Check-in
10:00 – 10:30 AM — INTRO: Redeeming An Intimate Covenant — The Romance of Redemption
10:30 – NOON — SESSION ONE: Redeeming Intimacy — Building oneness in all aspects of your relationship
3:00 – 5:00 PM — SESSION TWO: Redeeming Sexual Desire — Reigniting and maintaining passion in the marriage bed

Saturday, Sep 26
10:00 – 11:00 AM — SESSION THREE: Redeeming Shame — Overcoming barriers and betrayal in marriage
11:00 – Noon — SESSION FOUR: Redeeming Extraordinary Sex — Making married sex great again
LUNCH, provided
1:30 – 2:30 PM — SESSION FIVE: Question & Answer
2:30 – 3:00 PM — CLOSING: Redeeming An Intimate Covenant  The Gospel of Marriage

For more details about the 2020 Retreat, CLICK HERE


Happy Valentine’s Day!

Wishing you and your beloved a blessed weekend celebrating the joy and pleasure of covenant love! Cherishing,Matt & Jenn Join us for the 2021 Marriage

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